Friday, January 3, 2014

TOC Devotion: God Defines the Blessed

"Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the Kingdom of God."  Luke 6:20
If we are seeking first the Kingdom of God, we do not have to travel to far off lands.  The Kingdom of God is near at hand.  God has given His Kingdom to the poor.  We are invited to share in the Kingdom that He has given to the poor by serving the them in their need out of our surplus.  The key to entering the Kingdom through this door is love.  We can give all we have to the poor without profit if we do not love.   Love breaks down prejudices and judgment and enables us to see God’s children, crying out for help.  Love crushes our hearts with compassion as we look upon their suffering and compels us to bring comfort and relief.   As we feed the hungry, our good Lord calls us to His right hand and welcomes us into the joy of His Kingdom.   
Nathan Krupa
Golden Harvest Food Bank
Augusta, GA

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