Monday, April 27, 2015


Debra Tyree, of the UMC's Global Praise, shared some ideas on Facebook that might be useful to you in your church or ministry:

NEPAL: The images are heart rending and we are drawn to pray. One of the repeated images I have seen has been of the Tibetan Prayer flags waving in the background at a expedition camp. As one way of praying with the people of Nepal, consider creating a prayer wall with your faith community. The Tibetan prayer flags are flown with the belief that the wind will take these wishes for the world everywhere. We know our own prayers blow with the breath of the Holy Spirit and are gathered with the prayers of all of God’s people, especially with the people of Nepal this week. You may want to “Google” Tibetan Prayer flags to get pictures to show to people to help them connect to the images they have seen on the media. Ask them to write their own prayer, draw a picture, share just one word, or other responses on a colored sheet of paper. Tape them on a wall or hang a string across a window/wall and tape the flags to the string. This could be hung near a frequently used entrance or in the worship space to serve as a reminder to during the weeks ahead.

Paul Neeley responded to her post and shared these ideas on Nepalese music and art.

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