Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Emphasizing Distant Mission Partners

There are many opportunities, and many ways, to emphasize for a congregation your distant mission partners. Of course, you can "bring them in" for your big mission celebration or at a time convenient to the congregation and visiting missionary.

Technology offers many options throughout the year to engage a missionary, to renew a partnership and take next steps in conversation, or to share one church with another church. I've heard of congregations doing Bible Study, or communion, or doing a book study together.

You can also do some fun, experiential things in worship or discipleship that engages mission and the distant partner. In addition to sharing information about a distant country or culture consider incorporating music, insights from the mission partner, and prayer as key components of the experience. Note how adaptable this could be for any "age or stage" as you help the experience fit your audience.

Check out the following as a great example from a General Board of Global Ministries worship experience today:

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