Here’s a quick note on an issue that keeps coming up in conversations. I’ll
return at some point to edit and make clarifications where needed. So, it’s
percolating for me, but I’ve got to race on to something else…
Many, many churches have a struggle with doing any form of
assessment or evaluation of their ministries. It is an uneasy proposition for
many to evaluate in both quantitative and qualitative ways what is occurring.
Of course, the alternative (which too many congregations fall into), is a
rather haphazard ministry approach which ends up being built upon personalities
and projects. Laity may have qualms about evaluation because they don’t want to
upset friends or “rock the boat.” Or perhaps we’ve had bad experience with this
before and it seems more like business than church. Or maybe we don’t want to
accept the reality of our church situation. Does this rather typical church
scenario sound familiar in your setting?
Over the years we’ve seen what can happen when we find a
focus and get more intentional about strengthening ministry. Think about church
music, or Bible study, or your favorite ministry area that exhibits vigor, growth,
and a sensibility of “doing it right.” Once upon a time, I can remember when a
church would be glad to get anybody
to teach the middle school boys class. It’s a powerful change when a church
moves to identifying someone who has calling, interest, time, and hones their
skill and devotes themselves to doing their best. As a church adopts such a
strategy it has impact across the life of the congregation.
Often many ministry areas of a church may have some focus and
goal/s by virtue of the defined task at hand. So, Bible studies or age level
ministry or other ministries at the core of most congregational functioning may
be rather prescribed in approach. It’s the ministry areas where there is less
definition that a church can really get into a mess with a fuzzy, nebulous
approach. Often these ministry areas may operate on the edge of an “all church”
concern. In many situations such ministries may be well outside the primary
interest of clergy or key committees, so as long as a group or individuals don’t
disturb the “all church” functioning, or break some major rules of etiquette
(formal or informal), the group/s will be allowed to continue. It’s likely that
some personality driven character can make something happen, and when we lack
that person everything crumbles.
For instance, many congregations do some sort of
mission/missions. Now, this is one of those fascinating words as it can mean
just about anything under the sun depending on who you talk to (that’s a topic
for another day to compare the biblical or theological roots with our
understanding and practice. Read up on “missio Dei,” the mission of God, as
every mission committee and church needs to be encouraged to “go big” in this
calling!). I find many churches where “missions” is a conglomeration of any and
every “do gooder” activity imaginable. It’s as if all activity that is a
helping action is on equal footing. Perhaps
this started out as the outside agencies being a “tool” or resource for a congregation,
but at some stage a confusion in thinking and practice begins so that the
outside organization seems on equal footing as the church. In such settings church
is merely a vehicle for funding and volunteers for a range of other helping
agencies from local, state, national, and international settings. We’ve lost
the “flavor” of what it means to be church and to have our own church mission!
One element to the process of ministry discovery and advance can
happen through evaluation each year in all of the church areas. I would
strongly encourage a mix of key numbers (quantity which might compare quarter
to quarter and year to year) and attempt to get a sense of the qualitative,
redemptive, life giving characteristics of a church living for God. Some key
questions would likely be: How have we been the church God is calling us to be
this year through this ministry? How have we grown in our faith by following
Jesus in this ministry? How have we relied upon the Holy Spirit in new, dynamic
ways in this ministry? How many church participants have we had in this
ministry? How many community members and neighbors have we gotten to know
through this ministry? What have been the transformational effects of this
ministry in our personal lives, church life, and community through this
ministry? How many leaders do we have? How many leaders are we developing? What
have been our great successes in the last year as we’ve been empowered by God
(and what have we learned from that which we must remember)? What have been our
great failures (and what have we learned from that which we must remember)? How
is God leading us in new and different ways in this next season? How are we becoming
the church God is calling us to be? Are we effectively reaching the people
group/s (tribe/s) we are called to reach? What do we need to do/be differently
this next season as we love God and love our as ourselves neighbor (locally,
nationally, & internationally as God defines)?
If all the ministry areas do such a reflection there would
likely be a new day for the church as there would be greater
intersection and teamwork between ministries as we share in a common task of
being the church and calling people to follow Christ. This would help us shed some baggage built up over the years and focus on the essentials.
If we continue to think specifically about mission, such an approach
would certainly assist in going deeper in faith and practice and get away from
some of the mission traps of the last decade or two. We may then lean more into
the future than replicating the past. Mission ought to be the ministry advance
of the church, the ship with a full sail set, and not an anchor only to the
past. You probably want to cultivate a culture of this type sensibility, so
that it is part of the ongoing strategy and discussion, while also having a set
evaluation period to get into in-depth consideration of the state of missio Dei
in your place.
Perhaps you or your team might find some of these questions useful.
Note that I have intentionally not formatted this as a “scorecard” or excel
spreadsheet and opted instead for a more conversational way of talking and
praying over who a church is in mission. You could easily adapt this, plus add your
own wisdom, into an approach that fits your church. The key is to get into an
annual process of mission evaluation and discernment which helps your church to
encourage the mission movement in your congregation and community.
When working with a mission committee discussing the “state
of the church in mission” here are a few areas for consideration for evaluation:
What are the church key priorities (perhaps redundant to say "key" but we can't have 10 formal informal priorities!)?
What are the few critical focal points that the whole church is working
on/working out/living out? This might be a set of emphases for a year or
multi-year period. Just be sure that the mission team is a vital part of the
church team! Reinforce that the mission committee and teams serve under the
umbrella of the church and are therefore our aim is to not create a silo, or small
kingdom, or group/s of Lone Rangers or renegades.
How does mission intersect with these key church priorities?
Where are the natural intersections with worship, discipleship, prayer, age level
ministries, etc.? How do we more effectively interact with the whole church so
that the mission culture of a
congregation is as primary, and natural, as the main ministry areas?
What are the key mission partnerships and priorities for the
congregation? Local? State/nation? International? Are there key mission
groupings (e.g. hunger, housing, community development, church development, evangelism,
children and youth, racial reconciliation, cultural immersion, etc.) which we have, or which we lack, as we reflect
on the last year? If we think of the church having a “mission portfolio” what does this look like? If we map this does it look like a shotgun
pattern of many dots with little depth? Why is this so? Where do we have depth
of mission? What might we give up that will make room for an “all church” focus on mission? Think in
terms of engaging the entire church as opposed to only specialized skills in mission.
What are the entry points for the congregation and do we
have a variety of offerings from entry level to advanced, from one time
activity to long term commitment? What does this look like on an emphasis or
activity calendar for a year? How do
these various partnerships “feed” each other or reinforce each other? Or have
we merely created different mission camps/silos within the congregation? Does
this approach help us to create a church in the mission movement, and our congregation within the larger Church as
a mission movement?
Do we have a current understanding and experience of the
various mission partners? Is it a 50/50
partnership between our congregation and the mission partner? Or do they really
only want our volunteers and funding? Perhaps there is a place for the
partnership in the church “mission portfolio,” and if so, name what the
partnership is good for in the functioning of the congregation and in the “next
steps” the church is called to take in the next year. Is the mission partner
effective and adding to our effectiveness in being the church?
How is our United Methodist congregation part of connectional mission in the city or
county? In the district? In the conference? In the general Church in our country
or internationally? If we are working with other groups (parachurch, nonprofit
or for profit, other denomination, etc.) do we have appropriate accountability
measures in place regarding our activities, funding, and partnership in case
there are challenges or problems? Does the partner organization or group have
appropriate “checks and balances” in place and do we have all the details for a
mission committee to review annually? If we are working with another church or organization
are we doing this in a location with an existing Methodist or United Methodist
church (This gets complicated! But think how offensive and contrary this would
be if an outside church or organization moved in on your location in your UMC
conference. You can always check this at
or or check with me if you
need assistance. Please note that not everything called Methodist is actually
vetted and in good UMC standing or they serve in some other capacity.)? Too
often we have gotten looking in all sorts of places for the very relationships,
resources, and opportunities that our “home team” provides.
How is the congregation
in mission and part of the mission movement? How many church members are active
in mission (think about both the formal corporate structure and the culture of
mission)? How many folk are new in mission or have taken a step in mission? How
many new leaders are we developing in mission? Are we known in the community as
a “serving” church or some other descriptor which reflects who we are called to
be as the Body of Christ? How might the church mission portfolio adapt to
enhance what we have learned and respond to God’s call upon us in this next
An annual assessment of your congregation in mission can be
a powerful way to listen to God and to one another if you are interested in
helping your church with the next steps of faith in following Christ today. To
choose not to do an annual evaluation is to choose a certain style of assessment
which lends itself to maintaining the status quo and more individualist, small
movement approach in mission. Choose an evaluation approach which helps your congregation
to be strategic, have focus and alignment, work better as a team, and lean into
the future God is calling your church into!
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