Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Bloggers

There are many Easter friends I've never met, but who encourage me and challenge me everyday with their blogging. I won't list the 20 plus bloggers I review most weeks though you know I'll often vigourously "cut and paste" from some who really strike a chord or nerve with me.

Wesleyan Basics says:

"The basic move - the Wesleyan root - seems to be an energetic creativity and willingness to innovate inside our outside the establishment if it gets people over the hump from being “Almost Christians” to fully Christian. Of course, doctrine matters. But even Wesley’s famous arguments with Calvinism strike me as being about practice. He found “double predestination” outrageous because it tended to undermine people’s love of God and cool their zeal for good works."

"But - and this is where I probably go way off the path - recapturing Wesleyan practice is not about adopting his innovations. It is not about going back to field preaching or societies and band meetings. Those were well tuned to his setting. Our settings are not his."

"We might end up in some of the same places that Wesley did, but we should not start there."

"We need John Wesley’s spirit and zeal. That is a Wesleyan root to which our United Methodist Church would do well to graft itself."

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